Wednesday 24 December 2014

Oracle Apps Interview Questions

1.) There is view which is created on tables t1 and t2. If we drop table t1 what happes to the view.?
2.)  If we re-create the t1 table again? what will be the status.
3.) what is Materialized view.
4.) What is global temporary table what is the use of it. Have u ever used? what is the scenario.
5.) What is index and what is its use.---How it Improves the peroformance technically
      What is the algorithm it will use by defaut.
6.) Have you ever used analitical function. In which scenario have u used.   

1.) What is a ref cursor. Have you ever used it. If yes what is the scenario
2.)  If a package spec is having two procedures p1 and p2. I have wrintten the code for p1 in body.           What will happen if i compile
       What will happend to the spec.
3.)  Difference between create or replace  and droping and crating the package.
4.)  What are all the pragmas we have pl/sql
5.)  What is the use of use of NOCOPY hint.                      

XML Reports
1.) What is the process to register an XML in Oracle Apps
2.) What are all the triggers that will be used in XML report. How it will be used.
3.) How do you develop multi org reports.
4.) How can you restrict the no. of lines per page.
5.) Have u ever called the sub-templates.                                                                                                  
1.) How can we register the form.
2.) How can we create an lov
3.) diffferce between pre-query and post-query.
4.) what are all the triggers fired when move from one-text item to ohter
5.) Differnce between when-validat-item and post-text-item                     

Form Personalization
1.) What is a form personalization. How can we do it.
2.) What are all the triggers available in Form Personalization
3.) What is difference between custom.pll and form personalization.
4.) What is a Zoom functionality. How can we do using the form Personalization.
5.) If we are using the form personalization and custom.pll which will get over write.                                              
1.) if we have two parameters p1 and p2. I want to enable parameter p2 based on the value p1.
2.) How can we get the default value to next parameter
3.) How can we make the second parameter dependent on first.
4.) I have two parameter p1 and p2. P2 is dependent on p1. If i din't give p1 still i need to select the values from p2. How can we archive this.                                                                                                 

1.) How many types of alerts are there?
2.) Where can we define  the alerts?
3.) Can we send the notifications to users using alerts.
4.) I want to send the error log file to the list of users using alerts. How can we approach this.

1.) What is a collection?
2.) How many types of collections are there what are they?              
3.) What is a Bulk Bind. What are all the Bulk Exceptions available.
4.) What is the difference between Assosiative Arrays and Nested Tables.
5.) What is the other name for Assosiative arrays.
Performance Tuning
1.) one custom report is taking long time to complete . what is the approch you follow.                         

Order to Cash
1.) When will the order becomes back-order.
2.) what is the use of ITP and when it will fire.
3.) what is use of workflow bg proces. Why we need this. Why can't we directly put the interface records to AR Module.
4.) why do we need the price-list in sales order                                                                                            
1.) How may types of requisitions? table flow?
2.) what are types of POs?
3.) which tables it will impact.
4.) what is the link between req and po.                                                                                                        
1.) what are all the tables you used in workflow
2.) which is the table contains all the activities
3.) have u created any custome workflow/customize workflow
4.) what is the use of access-level in work flow.
5.) how can you make the process deferred.--have u heard abt threshold

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